Rock Music and Worship We are about to enter an area where much confusion and danger exists. Christian Rock, does it add or deter worship? I would like to consider the objections one at a time. 1. Christian Rock at church services. One thing we must consider is what if Christian Rock music was played at our Church services ? After all if it can't pass this test then we must have doubts considering it value elsewhere in our lives. The problem is simple. The scriptures and Jesus say: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name,there am I in the midst of them." Then our church services take on a meaning that it is more than just a group of people gathered together but a Holy gathering due to the Lord's presence. Do you believe that He would approve of this type of music ?? Can the same throbbing beat that is present in the secular rock and roll coexist with the presence of an Holy God ?? Remember John says in his book in the Bible "This is the message which we have heard of Him,and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is NO darkness at all." Any small amount of darkness is offensive to Him who is pure and Holy. Also in closing there is one other matter. That is the dress of these musicians. Do you feel this represents a spirit of reverence or one of rebellion ??? It's really your choice but please be honest to both yourself and God.